From passion to paper ....
An intense desire or enthusiasm for something that is the definition of passion and my definition of travel. According to my family and friends my name should be Mrs. World Traveler I laugh out loud when I hear this but I guess its fitting since traveling is something that brings me peace , joy and a certain level of contentment that I cant describe. So here I am to simply share my adventures with you from the ones that I have already taken through Africa, Europe , Asia, The Caribbean, North America, Central America to the ones that are still on my ever growing bucket list . My post will highlight where to stay, where to dine, things to do and so much more. My name is M.Lambert travel bug bitten CEO of Jadorelocks and style curator for JewelsbyJadore I hope you enjoy this journey with me.

Santorini Greece

Miami Florida

Amalfi Coast Italy

Cancun Mexico

Rome Italy ...snag my earrings here

My secret Christmas vacation spot
Location - Santorini Greece
( click on the picture for my outfit details)